
Final Fantasy XIV

Coming soon~!

Final Fantasy XI (Retired)

Destiney & Karigan proudly served the nation of San d'Oria on the Carbuncle Server. Destiney had been adventuring on Carbuncle since the Summer of 2004. Karigan only since 2009ish. Both have now retired to the easy life an will no longer be traveling around the world on Carbuncle.

If you knew the player from FFXI, she can now be found playing FFXIV on the Balmung Server.

The Player behind the Characters

The player behind the characters currently lives in the US with her family and works full-time. She loves reading fantasy novels, playing RPGs, writing, and doodling. She has a bad habit of starting a video game and not finishing it because of FFXIV! XD

PSN (PS3/PSP/Vita): Destiney1984

Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 2921-9422-8389

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: Will add soon~!

Twitter: @DestineyFFXIV

Discord: Destiney#1526