1: How did your character meet their best friend?
met Chee and Arthur when I first started as a freelance healer working
with other adventurers or mercenaries. I think it was in Ul’dah as we
all signed up to work with the Immortal Flames. They were a blessing in a
world where I felt lost on where to even begin.” - Destiney
friend… I do not have one. Not unless one counts my duty. There are
people I speak with but none that I trust deep enough. Though… I guess
Lady Miu could be counted as one though what we share I hope is also
more then just that.” - Lance
2: What would your character die for?
people I love. I wouldn’t give a second thought of sacrificing myself
for them. My life isn’t worth the lives of everyone I love and cherish.
My husband, my free company, my friends. Everyone of their lives is
worth more then mine alone. If I can give back to them the life that was
saved so long ago from the brink of death… Then without a doubt my life
for theirs.” - Destiney
“My country, my family, Lady Miu. I am a
knight an my life is pledged to Ishgard. If they send me to fight and I
die then it was my fate. I pray that Halone though would take mercy upon
me. I have so much life left to fight with. I am not ready to return to
her hallowed halls just yet but if it is what must be done then I will
do it willingly.” - Lance
3: What is the cutest thing your character has ever done?
Destiney: Probably being teased endlessly about her obsession with
certain types of elezen. She tends to get very shy and blush around
them, sometimes stammering or rambling in her embarrassment. Certain
people in the FC even go as far as to tease her about butt biting. She
hasn’t done such a thing but it often leaves her flustered if there is a
cute guy around.
OOC Lance: Oh gawd. His whole relationship with
Miu is entirely adorable right now. It makes me happy enough to giggle
at this sap. He’s a hopeless romantic. Just watching these two
interacting is so damn cute.
4: What is your character’s deepest, darkest secret?
Destiney: I answered something like this in a ask a short while ago. So
I’ll try to summarize. She has bad reactions to Garlean bases due to an
old incident. An because she is still healing emotionally she has
moments of self-destructive tendencies. An she can not fight other
people because of her incident. Partly personal choice and partly
because she simply can’t make herself do it.
OOC Lance: He won’t
willing admit he’s scared for the future. He’s at a very thin edge with
his family an the fall honestly scares him. He’d rather face down
dragons or heretics then admit how scared he is for what the future
holds if his family casts him out.
5: What is the most surprising thing about your character?
Destiney: I had never intended Destiney to be such a emotionally broken
mess. I never thought she’d make me cry some days. Quite literally. I
wanted her to have a bit of turmoil in her past but it evolved into
something a bit darker then originally planned. But for her it works. It
just and I can’t explain it. I guess what surprises me most is finding a
FC willing to take an deal with her crap an give me such acceptance
despite Dest being such an idiot at times. :)
OOC Lance: I had
intended Lance to be more… Snobbish and sarcastic. A upper class snob.
He turned out completely different then my original vision. He ended up
being this loving and caring man with a sort of white knight complex.
What surprises me most is just how much he’s changed from my original
vision into something so warm and happy. That despite all the darkness
that looms over the horizon he still pushes to find the light an
goodness. I just want to hug him an try to keep all that darkness from
trying to drag him down. He’s almost like a brilliant light of hope.
6: If you could title your character’s life, what would you title it?
Destiney: Darkest Before Dawn. Destiney has moments where she feels so
broken and consumed by dark emotions. Yet she always finds a way back
out, usually with help from those she loves and cares about. It’s always
darkest before the light of dawn chases away the shadows of night. So I
found this rather fitting for Destiney.
OOC Lance: Winter’s
End. Because he has finally left the cold endless winter of Coerthas.
He’s begun to see more of the world beyond those frosted windows. He’s
found a woman he likes to refer to as his Summer Sun. At the end of
Winter comes Spring, hope for a new beginning. This is Lance’s new
beginning. A time where he came finally come into his own.
7: What is their deadly sin?
“Wrath. I can be… fairly vengeful.“ - Destiney
“Pride. I’ve always had a lot of Pride as a knight and as a man. I’m not afraid to admit it.” - Lance
8: What is one question they’ve always wanted an answer to?
“Why was I spared when I wanted to die? I was throwing away my life. I didn’t deserve to be saved.” - Destiney
there something we missed or something we could have done differently
to stop the fall of Steel Vigil? It will haunt me till the day I die.” -
9: What would it take to break them, inside and out?
broken once wasn’t enough? … Losing everything I have now. My friends
and my family I’ve made. I’ve come so far from that day. If I lost it
all now… I don’t think I could find my way out of that darkness again.
Leon isn’t here to put me back together again this time.” - Destiney
I… Losing Lady Miu or my cousin. Losing my position as a knight for
Haillenarte would be devastating yet… If I lost Miu or Destiney I am not
sure I would have the strength to walk back into that bleak landscape
of Coerthas anymore. How could I keep calling myself a knight knowing I
had failed them in some way.” - Lance
10: Where are they ticklish?
“Excuse me?! Keep your hands away from my sides! Unless you wish to be smacked in the head with a book!” - Destiney
“Uh… M-my under arms. I do not want to hurt you. I’d suggest keeping your hands to yourself.” - Lance
11: Would you want to hang out with your character?
HAHAHA. I hang out with them in my head all the time! :P They’re parts
of me. ^^/ I have a small group of characters spending time in the back
of my head at all times. Destiney and Lance are always among them now.
Welcomed with open arms by the others. Welcome to the insane asylum of
my mind.
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