Monday, August 14, 2017

The Carver

(Part of the dark plotline for Alex. Warnings for Torture, Blood, Violence, Swear words, and just in general very dark plot things. Read at your own risk.)

Drip. Drip. Drip…

The sound of blood hitting the wooden floor as it dropped off the blade. The screams were now silenced. The pool of red was expanding beneath the chair where the victim sat motionless.

“So sad. Dead already. I didn’t expect him to break so soon.” A sinister smile on the duskwight’s face as he wipes the blood from the dagger onto his sleeve. Even though the sleeve itself was already splotched with blood. He takes a deep breath, savoring the coppery smell of blood and the lingering fear.

Stupid breakable man. He had kidnapped a person from the apartments where Alexois lived. Practice for the main course. Took his time carving up the poor fool. Made him suffer long and hard. Two days this poor man had lasted under his blade. His magic had prolonged the fool’s life but not enough. Not nearly enough. Thankfully his true target was tougher. Would bleed longer before breaking.

Jaqcues placed the blade back on the table. Yes Alexois would suffer greatly. Best part of it all… Following Alex had given him hints of where to strike first. Even though the boy had shattered what friendship the two boys had… The boy who was now a man was still a weakness he could use. All he had to do was go after something Alex cared about. The Haillenarte knight that started Alex’s betrayal to him. To think the boy who made Alex start to care would also bring about his downfall. It was only fitting. Almost poetic.

“Hell has come, Alexois. Blood and bone is the price for biting the hand that fed you. Worthless shite.” Jaqcues let out a wicked laugh as he prepped the dead man for disposal. He would go stalk Skyfire. Find the perfect time to kill that stupid knight that Alexois watched over. The time of waiting for revenge was over. Blood and bone. Alex would pay the price in the long run.

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