Saturday, December 23, 2017

Silent Night

(Writing for Alex. Some dark thoughts of violence. But over all it’s more of a Starlight piece for the bad boy.)

Thursday, November 30, 2017


(Post for Alex. Read at your own risk on this one. Last night was rough for him so he’s not in the best of places right now.)

Friday, September 22, 2017

Struggling Forward

(An actually tame post for Alex for once. -shock! gasp!- So it’s pretty safe to read for a change. Just mentions of fighting and such. Just him and myself trying to figure out his path forward from here. )

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


(Alex has been in my head all damn day at work today. So rather then working on weekly reset… I am writing! Because someone insists this needs to be written. Warnings ahead for blood, torture, violence, swear words. The usual for Alex. Especially since this is his line of thoughts during his torture. Read at your own risk. XD I’ve been listening to Remember by Adema during writing this.)

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Blood and Bone

(Second part of the dark plotline for Alex. Warnings for Torture, Blood, Violence, Swear words, and just in general very dark plot things. Read at your own risk.) 

Monday, August 14, 2017

The Carver

(Part of the dark plotline for Alex. Warnings for Torture, Blood, Violence, Swear words, and just in general very dark plot things. Read at your own risk.)

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Shadows Creeping

(Dark plot soon for Alex and friends. This is just the little teaser I started writing a while ago and put aside and forgot to finish. Usual warnings apply with Alex. Violence and swear words. Though mostly just his usual behavior right now. XD)

Monday, July 10, 2017

Marching On

Lance wasn’t sure what he had expected by going back to Hyrstmill last evening. A part of him had been feeling… Lonely. Lost even. Wanting to remember life back before it had become so damned complicated.

To remember the first person he had gotten close to after leaving Ishgardian territory for the first time. A friendly smiling face that he missed so much.
Lady Miu… A part of him longed to know how she was doing. How she fared in the time since they had parted ways. Her heart not ready for a relationship with him. She had let him down gently. Always a sweet woman even on the day she broke his heart.

However his visit to Hyrstmill ended up being… Odd to say the least. He was still trying to process everything that happened last night.
He had run into Miu again. After so long apart. Except… Miu had apparently had quite the story in the time they had not spoken. Miu was no longer a woman. He was honestly shocked at first. Yet… She was still Miu even if she now had a male body instead. All due to a misadventure.

Lance ran a hand over his face before looking towards the great sword sitting by his desk in his new apartment. Maybe what he needed was to try again to learn. Move on to other training. He could feel the pulling allure of that stone he had found down there. Had found it even after someone had tried to hide it from him. Most likely Tara. He had been on a rather self destructive streak when she had found him.

Still no sign of Tara. Or even Alexois. Yet now he had Miu back. Even if she was different now. It was still going to take him time to get used to. He still found himself referring to her as a woman. Not to mention he refused to tell her just how much he had missed her. Miu had more then enough problems on her own plate. He refused to add to them. No way in seven hells would he admit to Miu that he still had lingering feelings despite their time apart. Despite the changes. Miu was still Miu inside. His feelings would remain his own personal secret.

Lance plopped down in one of the armchairs in his apartment with a heavy sigh. He had options but right now all of them seemed… Dangerous. He was trying to be good for Tara’s sake. But… His cousin was going off on a wild adventure. His family… Well technically he was still disowned. Yet he worried for his little brother who was now head of the family. He felt almost unneeded. Lost. All he truly had was his work at Skyfire watching over the young Lord Francel.

His eyes wandered around the apartment. It was warm and inviting. Yet so very lonely. Even Soren was too busy for him to catch and return the key to the other man’s apartment. He owed the man for giving him a place to stay after the whole fiasco with his family. Still wished to find out what had happened that night in Ishgard. Destiney had only given him vague answers.

Finally he stood and walked over to his desk. Hand wrapping around the hilt of that sword. The other hand swiping the stone from the desktop. Sitting idle wasn’t doing him any good. He needed to work. Needed to move. Anything but sitting there feeling sorry for himself. Remembering…

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Ghosts of the Past

(More writing for the bad kid, Alex. Standard warnings apply. Blood, language, and violence. Read at your own risk.)

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The Rage Inside

((Consider this your warning if you read this post. Will contain blood and some pretty dark stuff. A bit of torture and abuse. Alex is not meant to be a nice guy. So please read at your own risk. This is what took place between him leaving Aeri’s apartment Sunday afternoon and when he met her for drinks last night. Just from the screenshots I show doesn’t do justice just how cruel he can be as a bad character. I felt it time to give writing the darker side of him a shot.))